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Archives and Special Collections

Goal 4: patron Services and Outreach

Objective 4.1: Continue to support scholarly and local research by investigating options to enhance patron services which may include, creating a digital outlet to schedule appointments, providing access to e-resources by installing community patron computers, continuing to support equitable access to duplicating services, supporting walk-in hours, ensuring continued compliance with ADA standards, broaden the physical space to support classroom engagement, and manage and evaluate the reference collection to ensure that patrons have equitable access to non-archival/circulating materials.

Objective 4.2: Create effective strategies to maintain accurate patron record-keeping practices in order to examine preservation, digitization initiatives, and research assistance opportunities.

Objective 4.3: Go beyond the walls of the archives and become a community resource for both research and programming by collaborating with local partners on events and creating community-instruction-based opportunities to educate the public on preserving family histories, record keeping, and conducting research.

Objective 4.4: Improve archival instruction initiatives by establishing campus connections with various academic departments, collaborate with the Assistant Librarian for Teaching and Learning to develop new programs, foster project-based learning opportunities, and use curriculum mapping to link collections to campus instruction.

Objective 4.5: Continue to design and implement exhibits that support both campus and community histories by using temporary, permanent, and digital spaces, with a focus on sharing underrepresented stories and figures.


Goal four aims to best serve our patrons in a meaningful way. This will address in-person visits, requests, accessibility, and record-keeping, broadening public outreach/programming within the university and the community and strengthening instruction to provide educational and experiential learning opportunities. This goal relates to goals three and four of IUN’s strategic plan which addresses Strengthening Academic Programs and Establishing Partnerships and Engagement with the Community, while also working toward IUN’s core values of Student Success, Academic Excellence, Community Engagement, and DEI.