The library collection includes a wide range of options: books, journals, online videos, government documents, and many other sources. To find these resources, we use IUCAT. IUCAT is the library's online catalog of its collection.
Please note that if you are looking for journal articles, rather than whole journals, that the "Finding Articles" section covers this process.
The information on this page of the guide is a brief overview. For in-depth guidance, please consult the full How To Find Books guide.
Find books, journals and other research resources provided by the library.
For more options, use the main IUCAT search page.
Archives - 3rd Floor
Circ Desk - 1st Floor, Circulation Desk
Government Publications - 2nd Floor
New Book Area - 1st Floor Cafe Area
Periodicals - 1st Floor, Current / 2nd Floor, Bound
Ready Reference - 1st Floor
Reference - 2nd Floor
Reserves - 1st Floor, Circulation Desk
Stacks - 2nd Floor, A - HF / 3rd Floor, HG - Z
Books on Reserve can be listed with a call number or the phrase 'Personal Copy'. If a call number is available, write the call number down before coming to the Circulation Desk. See our Using Reserves guide for more information.
IUCAT provides two methods for starting a search: basic and advanced.
The basic search contains only one search field, and only four options: "All Fields" (aka keyword), "Title," "Author," and "Subject." Because it has only one field, it is good for quick searches of unique titles or for broad browsing of the collection.
But what if you are looking for a specific item with a fairly generic term, or your search results are too broad? For example, how would you search for a book titled only Psychology and written by an author with the last name of Myers? Searching for only one of these two terms would provide results list with several thousand records. In these cases, you would have better luck with IUCAT's advanced search section.
With help from IUCAT's advanced search, you can combine Psychology in the "Title" field and Myers in the "Author" field to narrow your search. Advanced search also features several search fields and limiters not included in basic search, such as publication year and publisher, or format (e.g. book, journal, streaming video) and language.