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Library Instruction at Indiana University Northwest

This is an internal LibGuide for all librarians who deliver library instruction session. Includes scheduling logistics, forms, links, help, and resources.

Learning Outcomes - Basic Rubric

Basic Rubric – These are the minimum outcomes FYS students should complete after an instruction session. Instruction takes 20 minutes to complete.

Learning Outcome





Student navigates the library website.

Student navigates all parts of the library website.

Student navigates some parts of the library website.

Student navigates 1 part of the library website.

Student does not know where anything on the library website is.

Student searches IUCAT to find resources and understands IU Libraries system.

Student searches IUCAT to find books and ebooks using the advance search function and can use the Request This button to obtain a book from another IU library.

Student searches IUCAT to find books and ebooks using the basic search function.

Student searches IUCAT to find a book.

Student does not understand or know how to use IUCAT.

Student uses ILLiad to obtain resources.

Student registers for ILLiad and uses it to obtain an electronic article not found in IUN’s library databases.

Student registers for ILLiad and knows when to use it.

Student registers for ILLiad.

Student did not register for ILLiad and does not know how to use ILLiad.

Student identifies basic library databases and knows where to find them on the library website.

Student identifies and knows where to find basic library databases such as Credo, EDS, and Google Scholar and understands their functions.

Student identifies and knows where to find basic library databases such as Credo, EDS, and Google Scholar.

Student identifies and knows where to find at least 1 library database.

Student does not know what a library database is.

Student knows communication channels to follow up with librarians and/or to ask for help.

Student knows how to follow up with librarians and ask for help through phone, chat, email, and text and follows on social media.

Student knows how to follow up with librarians and ask for help through at least 1 communication channel.

Student knows where to look for communication channels on library website.

Student does not know how to follow up and ask for help.

Optional Outcomes

Optional Outcomes – these are bonus outcomes FYS students can obtain with a lengthier instruction session or multiple sessions with an assessment completion (such as a test or survey). A close collaboration with a librarian is recommended.

Learning Outcomes





Student develops a research topic, topic sentence, and/or thesis statement.

Student develops a research topic that is rich, complex, and multi-layered with ideas and directions to go.

Student develops a solid research topic.

Student develops a research topic.

Student does not develop a research topic.

Student generates keywords from research topic and online searching.

Student generates keywords from research topic and keywords generate relevant results in the library databases.

Student generates keywords from research topic and keywords generate some results in the library databases.

Student generates a few keywords from research topic.

Student does not generate any keywords.

Student finds popular resources online and reference resources through the library.

Student uses research topic and keywords to find sound and high-quality resources online and through the library.

Student uses research topic and keywords to find resources online and through the library.

Student finds resources online and through the library to support research topic.

Student does not find resources or finds low quality resources online and/or through the library.

Student incorporates resources into research project.

Student incorporates high-quality resources into research project to support their arguments and claims.

Student incorporates resources into research project to support their arguments and claims.

Student incorporates required amount of resources into research project.

Student does not incorporate any resources into research project.

Student cites resources using the appropriate citation format of the instructor’s choosing.

Student creates a bibliography and uses in-text citations to vary style within the research project.

Student creates a bibliography and uses in-text citations within research project.

Student creates a bibliography.

Student does not cite any sources.