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LibKey and BrowZine

With this quick and simple guide, you can get to know about IU Northwest's access to LibKey and BrowZine as launched in Fall 2023.

LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is a browser plugin that will connect you to full text available from the library when you start your research on websites like GoogleScholar and Wikipedia.

This is a decorative visual of information contained below.

To get started, go to the LibKey Nomad homepage and scroll to the bottom to select your browser. LibKey Nomad supports the following browsers at this time of writing:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari
  • Brave
  • Vivaldi

Once installed, a pop-up may appear confirming that you would like to add the plug-in.

Example of "Add LibKey Nomad" pop-up asking user to add the plug-in.


Clicking Add should direct you to a new page where you would agree to LibKey Nomad gathering anonymous data. If you agree, answer affirmatively. Then, type Indiana University Northwest or IUN into the search box on this page and click on it to set IUN as your institution for LibKey Nomad.


Screen showin LibKey Nomad installation confirmation


The following information comes from Third Iron's official LibKey Nomad Brochure.

Information from this image is provided below.

Download PDF - Your library has this item and we can instantly download the PDF Full Text in one click.

Article Link - Your library has this item and we can link you directly to the article page, where you can access the full text.

Manuscript PDF OR Manuscript Link - An Open Access version of the article is available. This may not be the final, published version of the article.

Access Options - The article may not be immediately available but your library can help you get it.

View Complete Issue - A link to the BrowZine platform where you can view the full journal issue in which the article is published, allowing you to find additional, relevant articles.