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LibKey and BrowZine

With this quick and simple guide, you can get to know about IU Northwest's access to LibKey and BrowZine as launched in Fall 2023.

BrowZine Search Box

Search e-journals


BrowZine offers a visually appealing browsing interface for online journals available through IU Northwest.

While you can directly access IU Northwest's BrowZine service through this page and create a bookmark for quicker access, the E-Journals button on our library homepage links to the service as well.

Cropped selection of search box on IU Northwest library homepage, pointing out the E-Journals button on the lower right of the box

While you can directly access IU Northwest's BrowZine service through this page and create a bookmark for quicker access, the E-Journals button on our library homepage links to the service as well.


Cropped selection of search box on IU Northwest library homepage, pointing out the E-Journals button on the lower right of the box


Once on the BrowZine page, you can browse subjects or run a search based on title, subject, or ISSN. Keep in mind that you can scroll down the page to see more subjects.


The left side menu for BrowZine through IU Northwest, showing the search box and list of subjects




Before starting your search, be aware that BrowZine cannot handle misspellings.


Image showing that misspelling hypnosis as hpnosis finds no matches in search.


If available, your search will show results for specific subjects or journals to browse. 


A search of BrowZine for psychology, showing options for all results, subjects, and journals


By default, the browse will show all results. Subjects are indicated with a red "file drawer" icon. Journals are indicated with a blue "journal cover" icon.

A journal may exist but not have a direct presence on BrowZine. In these cases, BrowZine will direct the user to an external page as indicated by a gray "journal cover" icon with a diagonal arrow pointing toward the upper right.


Search for myth that shows results linking to external access


Following the link will launch the user into a portal page. Clicking on the link to the right of the date range (under the journal's title) will open the journal's homepage where the user can browse through the journal's non-BrowZine interface.


Portal page to reach a journal's homepage through SerialsSolutions, after clicking on the browse link

The basics of browsing journals by subject are fairly straightforward. Select a subject, and then a subcategory if relevant.


Screen showing psychology subject selected, then all journals for the subcategory


BrowZine will sort the journals alphabetically by default. However, you have the option to sort by journal rank instead.


Graphic showing an arrow to the journal rank sorting option, and highlighting the SJR journal ranking at the lower left of each journal's cover image


BrowZine uses SJR, the SCImago Journal Rank, to sort by journal rank. These rankings are measured based on the number of citations received by a journal and prestige of the journals where those citations originated.

Upon choosing a journal, BrowZine will display the most recent issue. The issue page will show a record for each article. Each article record includes the following information:

  • Article title
  • Page numbers (if available)
  • Author(s)
  • An abstract, or condensed summary of the article


Screen of latest issue of Annual Review of Psychology, showing list of journal title, SJR rank, and list of issues on the left side, and a list of articles for the currently selected issue on the right side.


Each article contains a set of icons beneath the abstract to take certain actions.


Image of the icons beneath each article's summary; each icon's function detailed below


These icons are, in order:

  • Download PDF (if available) - read the PDF version of the article
  • Link to Article - Open the page that may provide access to the article, and shows more information about it
  • Save to My Articles - Add to your BrowZine "My Articles" folder (requires BrowZine account)
  • Export Citation - Offers method to export citation to one of several citation management tools, e.g. Zotero
  • Share - Copy article link, post it to social media, or send E-mail (requires E-mail desktop app)

Journals that lack article access (also known as full text) will display a message at the top of the page to indicate lack of availability.


Screen for an issue of American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, showing issues to select on left side, and a message of no full text available after 2015-04-30 at top of the issue.



BrowZine requires creating a separate BrowZine account to use the My Bookshelf and My Articles functions. These Third Iron support articles describe the process and capabilities of these services.