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LibKey and BrowZine

With this quick and simple guide, you can get to know about IU Northwest's access to LibKey and BrowZine as launched in Fall 2023.


LibKey Link provides article access (when available) within our major library databases. It replaced 360 Link as our immediately visible linking service. In addition to linking to our database/journal subscription access, LibKey Link can connect users to free and open access articles that would not have been linked in the old service.

LibKey Link in Databases

While searching for articles in our major databases, an articles which do not have full text within that specific database will now show a "Full Text via LibKey Link" or "Get Full Text" button within search results.


EBSCO databases


Example of EBSCO search result with an arrow pointing to the "Full Text at LibKey Link" button, to the right of the request through interlibrary loan button.


ProQuest databases


Example of search result within ProQuest database within an arrow next to "Get Full-Text" to the right of the "Asbtract/Details" button

LibKey Result Page

When LibKey Link finds access to an article, it will bring the user to a result page with various details and options. The most direct access would come from Download PDF, immediately sending the user to the article rather than expecting them to figure out another website's system to find the article.


Example of a LibKey Link result page. It uses arrows to emphasize specific sections that are further explained in text below.


The sections on this result page are as follows:

  • Article Details: A small box showing, in order: journal cover page, article title, journal title, author(s), volume number, issue number, and page number(s)
  • Download PDF: Immediately reach a PDF of the article. Keep in mind that this button might ask you to download the article directly onto your device rather than opening it in your web browser.
  • Article Link: Reach the article's record within the website where access was found. Users following this link will need to navigate that website's buttons and links to read the article.
  • View Article in Context (not shown in example): View this article within context of other articles in the issue using BrowZine.
  • "See all content options for this article": Link at the button of the result page which sends users to another page showing all other access options for the article. Useful if the buttons do not provide access as expected. The page reached through this link is the same page formerly reached with 360 Link.

If LibKey Link has any issues with finding access through its service, it will redirect users to the page reached through "See all content options for this article."

BONUS! If you installed LibKey Nomad on the same web browser, following the Article Link button will show a "Download PDF" button on the lower left of many common academic sites.


Example of Download PDF button at lower left of screen on an article provided by Brill, which appears if LibKey Nomad is installed on the web browser

Example Articles

Want to try it for yourself? Below are a couple articles for your viewing and testing.

Bear in mind that you will need to be enrolled or employed at IU Northwest to access the records in the databases, and may need that same level of access to reach the articles through the LibKey Link result pages.

Oedipus Rex and the Interpretation of Literature: A Response to Gaskin.

The Tragic Nostalgia of Albert Camus