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LibKey and BrowZine

With this quick and simple guide, you can get to know about IU Northwest's access to LibKey and BrowZine as launched in Fall 2023. Search Box

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID provides an easy interface to search for articles by DOI and PMID numbers. The IU Northwest has its own instances that can be bookmarked for easier access. through IU Northwest

Once on this page, enter the DOI or PMID into the search box and click the find button to run your search.


Main page for as connected to IU Northwest resources


If successful, you will see a condensed summary of article details and access options on the right side of the screen.


Result page for a DOI article search within

The following examples come courtesy of Third Iron's LibGuide page.

Examples to try (copy and paste these into the box above):

DOI Examples:

  • 10.1186/s12898-019-0263-7     (PDF and Article Link available. Known open access so no authentication presented.)
  • 10.1016/j.fas.2020.05.008         (PDF and Article Link available. Clicking through however results in a (non useable) authentication required)

PMID Examples:

  • 25435309  (PDF and Article Link available. Clicking through however results in a (non useable) authentication required)
  • 30302018  (PDF and Article Link available via unpaywall data which is consulted whenever the document is not available from other known OA sources or your library subscriptions).

If the DOI/PMID is not found in your library collection, a Link Resolver option will be shown to allow linking to your link resolver/document delivery options for fulfillment along with all known metadata.