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Field Name |
Label |
Search Examples & Explanation |
Abstract |
AB |
AB(child welfare worker) Summary of the article. Virtually 100% of records from 1995 to present have abstracts. |
Accession Number |
AN |
AN(2010-15386-001) Search the unique PsycINFO ID for articles and documents. |
Age Group |
AE |
AE(adolescence) Available as a limit in Advanced Search.
Use to retrieve articles focusing on a specific age group. |
All Fields
ALL(body image) ALL searches for keywords in the citation and abstract. As PsycINFO is an abstracting and Indexing database, there is no full text to be searched. |
Author |
AU |
AU(niessen cornelia) Use to find documents written by a particular author. Try searching on both the full first name and initials in order to retrieve all publications by a specific author. |
Author Affiliation |
AF |
AF(warwick) Use to retrieve documents associated to a particular institution. |
Classification |
CL |
CL(neuropsychology & neurology) 22 Major categories and 135 subcategories View a video: In Search of: Exploring Classification Codes. |
Conference |
CF |
CF(American Psychological Association) Use to search the title of a conference. |
Contact Individual |
CX |
CX(Teicher) Use to search the name and address for corresponding author. |
Corporate Author |
CA |
CA("Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry") Use to retrieve articles published by a Corporate Author. It contains the name of the organization that has produced the original source document. This field is often present when there is no personal author field. Use the distinctive parts of the name when searching this field and do not search for designations such Corp, Co, Company, Ltd. etc. |
Digital Object Identifiers |
DOI(10.1016/j.cogpsych.2012.01.003) Search for documents with DOIs using the DOI search. |
Dissertation Number |
DISPUB(AAI3407043) Selected from ProQuest Dissertation Abstracts International (A and B). |
Document Title |
TI(Antidepressant drugs during pregnancy) Locates the occurrence of search words in the title of the article. |
Email Address |
EA |
EA( Use to search the email address of contact author. |
Format Covered |
FC |
FC(electronic) Use to find which format is covered in PsycINFO. |
Grant |
GI |
GI(“National Institutes of Health”) Use to find articles supported by a specific funding institute. View a video:In Search of: Grants and Sponsorship |
Identifiers (keyword) |
IF |
IF(adhd) Use to find key concepts and/or brief phrases describing document's content. This is uncontrolled vocabulary. |
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) |
ISBN(0398067422) This search field looks for the 12 and 13 digit International Standard Book Number (ISBN), where available. Hyphens are optional. |
International Standard Serials Number (ISSN) |
ISSN(1000-6729) This search field looks for the eight digit International Standard Serials Number (ISSN), where available. Hyphens are optional. |
Language |
LA |
LA(Spanish) Available as a limit in Advanced Search. Use to locate the original language of the document. All abstracts are written in English. Non-English titles which are published in Roman alphabets are displayed and searchable in both the native language and the English translation. The following languages are indexed in PsycINFO:
Last Revision Date |
LR |
LR(2012*) Format is yyyymmdd, best searched with truncation. The above example will retrieve all records with a Last revision date during the course of 2012. |
Location |
LOC(Ukraine) Search for a specific country the study concentrates on. |
Major Subject |
MJSUB(Mental Disorders) Use to search top level subjects from the APA thesaurus. There is more information about the thesaurus on the left hand side. |
Methodology |
ME |
ME(systematic review) Available as a limit in Advanced Search. Use to limit your search to a specific methodology from the following list:
Monograph Title | MTI |
MTI(Motives in children's development: Cultural-historical approaches) The Monograph title field is also searched when searching the Publication Title PUB field. Used to retrieve monographs indexed in PsycINFO. |
Notes |
NT |
NT(video) Notes field will search any of the following APA fields: Supplemental Material, Notes, Supplemental DOI, Auxiliary Material, and Physical Description and display the results in the appropriate field. |
Other Journal Title |
OJ |
OJ(Psychiatria Clinica) Use to retrieve variations of the serial title name, resulting from serial title changes occurring in the past or future as compared to the date the item was published. |
Population |
POP(female) Available as a limit in Advanced Search. Contains a standardized description of specific populations related to the content of the document. Alternatively, use the Limits and select one or more of the following:
Publication Year |
YR |
YR(2008) Use to search documents from a specific year or years. Remember to use an OR operator when searching for more than one year. |
Publication Title |
PUB(Decision Support Systems) Use to search by a specific publication or publications. Alternatively use the look up facility to select specific titles. |
Publisher |
PB |
PB(national academy of sciences) Use to retrieve article from a specific publisher. |
Record Type |
Available as a limit in Advanced Search. These limits are not mutually exclusive. A record can be an editorial in a journal which is a peer reviewed journal.
References |
REF(Barnett) Use the reference search field to look for the data in a cited reference. It will search all of the main components of a cited reference (cited author, cited document title, cited publication date, and cited publication title). Remember to use the NEAR operator when combining different elements of a cited reference. Since 2001, the records in PsycINFO® have included cited references appearing in journal articles, books, and book chapters. Although comprehensive coverage of cited references began in 2001, references appear in some records for earlier years, and APA will continue to add retrospective coverage. For more information click here. |
Reviewed Work |
RV |
RV(“working with aging families”) Contains information of a reviewed item in the PsycINFO record. This field may contain the reviewed item's author(s), title, source, publication year, and more. |
Series Title |
SR |
SR(Oxford library of psychology) Use to retrieve books from a series. |
Subject Heading(All) |
SU |
SU(mental health) This field will search terms from the APA thesaurus including Major Subject (MJSUB) and Identifiers (IF) the latter being uncontrolled vocabulary. For more information about the APA thesaurus, see the section on the left hand side. |
Supplemental Data |
SD |
SD(video) The Supplemental Data field contains supplemental data or other information found either appended to the print source or available on the Internet. May appear for all publication types. Some supplemental data values may be appended with "Available" or "Internet Available." Data types include the following:
Table of Contents |
TOC(trauma) The Table of Contents field contains the chapter title, chapter author(s), and chapter pagination within a book or encyclopedia record. Chapters listed in the Table of Contents which are also separately indexed in the PsycINFO database will have the chapter title hyperlinked to that individual chapter record. To go to an individual chapter record, simply click on the hyperlinked title. The Table of Contents appears only with Book, Authored Book, Edited Book and Encyclopedia publication types. |
Tags |
TAG(adhd) Use to search for Tags attached to articles. This field is user generated and only searches Tags that were made public by ProQuest users. |
Target Audience |
TA |
TA(juvenile) Available as a limit in Advanced Search. Target Audience identifies the intended audience of the document. This field is relevant only to books, chapters, encyclopedias, and encyclopedia entries. To search a particular audience, enter the unique word(s), The values include the following:
Test and Measure |
TM |
TM(Wechsler intelligence scale for children). The Tests and Measures field contains the names of both published and unpublished tests and measures used in the source document. This field may contain multiple tests or measures. To search for a record containing a particular test or measure, enter the test or measure name. |