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Social Work: Social Work Resources

This guide explains how to find articles in social work resources.


Students have access to a number of library resources pertaining to social work. Many of the resources are found under different disciplines, e.g., education, sociology, social services, health, etc.  For example, citations regarding a school social worker could be in an educational resource.  Also, articles on domestic violence could be in a sociological or social services resource.  And let us not forget survivors of individuals who had health problems.  Articles about that topic can be found in health databases.  Therefore, some of the databases that could be searched are: Education Research Complete, Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts and MedlineSearches in these databases can be narrowed by including the keyword, "social work" in a search. However, the database that is primarily about social work is titled Social Work Abstracts.

Information about the Sociology Abstracts database and the Social Services Abstracts database are under the tab, "ProQuest Databases."  "ProQuest" is the vendor's name.  The databases under the vendor, EBSCO, include Social Work Abstracts, Education Research Complete and Medline.  Information about Social Work Abstracts database is under the tab, "Social Work Abstracts."  However, additional details are under a box titled, "Tips and Videos about EBSCO databases".

Links to Databases

Below are links to a few specific databases related to social work.  In addition, after clicking the link, "Databases by Subject" and the link, "Social Work," there will be listed several electronic resources pertaining to social work.

Indiana University Northwest

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Scott Hudnall
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