Books in the library are assigned call numbers. They consist of letters and numbers. The call numbers allow the researcher to find the shelving location of the book within the library. The books are shelved alphanumerically.
The Library of Congress Classification system is created by the largest library in the United States. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary has been assigned the following call number:
The first 2 lines, PE1628, represent the topic of the book, Modern English language minor abridged dictionaries
The third line, .W5638, represents the author's last name, Webster
with Call Numbers A-HF
Second Floor
with Call Numbers HG-Z
Third Floor
Current (1-2 Years Old) Magazines and Journals
First Floor
First Floor
Older Magazines and Journals Second Floor
Reference Books
First Floor--Ready Reference
Second Floor--Reference
The books in the library have call numbers assigned to them. They are shelved according to the call number.
Therefore, the call numbers below should be shelved, accordingly:
1628 1628 1628
.W5 .W5638 .W9
According to the IUCAT, editions of this book are shelved in "Reference" and in the "Stacks." Consult the box, "Where to Find the Resources" to find the respective sections.