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Sociological Abstracts: Sample Searches

A guide to all aspects of Sociological Abstracts including content, searching, and viewing results on the new ProQuest platform.

Search Sociological Abstracts

Sample Searches

Basic Search      

You need to write a paper on the effect of social networks on family life.

  • Type Social network* and family into the Basic Search box or use the widget on the left.  

Note: The widget will only work if you are already authenticated to your organization’s Sociological Abstracts account. If it does not work, please login through your organization’s library to access Sociological Abstracts directly. If you have questions about accessing your ProQuest databases, please contact your local librarian.

  • Based on the large amount of results that are retrieved, it is a good idea to refine your results using the Narrow results by feature.
  • From the Narrow results by and the Source Type limit, select to view Scholarly Journals.
  • Then Subject limit and select to include Social Networks, family relations. Click Apply to add the subject limits to your search.
  • Also from the Narrow results by, go to the Date limit and drag the first gray handle over toward the right side of the bar chart to limit your search to more recent items. Drag the handle over to search on items published from 2000 – 2012 and click update.
  • Go to the top of the results page to the Sort results by pull-down menu (just above the Narrow results by) and resort your items by Date (most recent first) and click Sort.
  • To begin reviewing your results, hover over the Preview link available on each record to view the major fields of the record.
  • For additional record details, select the Citation & Abstract link under each record to view the full record.
  • Mark any records that interest you to save, print, email, cite, export, save to your My Research account, or to view selected items later.

Advanced Search

You want to find articles on single adults perceptions towards marriage.

  • From the Advanced Search page and the first pull-down menu in the first search row, select Subject Headings (all).
  • Type marriage in the first search box.
  • From the second pull-down menu in the second search row, select Subject Headings (all).
  • Use the Look up Subjects hyperlink that appears just below the selected field to search for the available and relevant subject terms.
  • Type single and select the option "Begins with (enter at least 2 characters)."
  • Select single, single persons, single people from the list of subject terms and click Add to search.
  • On the next line type perception*  in the first box and attitude*  in the second, leave the default All fields (no full text).
  • Click Search.
  • From the Narrow results by, go to the Date limit and click on the last bar in the chart to view documents published since 2000.
  • From the top of the results page (under the search box) select Create alert to receive an email when new results are loaded into Sociological Abstracts that meet your search criteria.
  • Enter your email address, choose the email format, and schedule your alert based on when you would like to receive an email of your results and how long you would like the alert to last.
  • Click create alert.

Look Up Citation

Use this form to easily and quickly locate a particular document witten by Pierre Bourdieu.

  • In the author field, enter the name Bourdieu Pierre
  • In the publication title field, enter Sociology of Sport Journal
  • Click Search.
  • From the results page, notice that this article has been cited by others
  • Click on  the cited by link to retrieve recently published article citing this paper; note that all those articles share a similar subject.