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Using ILLiad

This guide explains registration and usage of ILLiad, our electronic interlibrary loan service.

Check Local Resources First

In many cases, a book or article is available at our library or on other Indiana University campuses. Please check IUCAT for the book or journal you need before submitting an ILLiad request, and for articles if you have the full title, try running a search with the entire title using Google Scholar. The boxes to the left can help you start your search with these resources faster.

You may find books or journals in different formats on IUCAT. The instructions below will help you with accessing these resources.

ONLINE BOOK FOUND ON IU NORTHWEST CAMPUS: Click the URL link in the IUCAT record to access the book. If off campus, this will require a login with the same username and passphrase used for your IU E-mail, OnCourse, OneStart, etc.

PHYSICAL BOOK FOUND ON IU NORTHWEST CAMPUS: Write down the Call Number, use the Library Locations box to find its location within the library, and come to the library. If you need assistance locating books by Call Number or finding the library location, ask the reference librarian for help.

PHYSICAL BOOK FOUND AT ANOTHER CAMPUS: If a book is available at another campus, click on the title for the book. In the record, click on the Request Delivery button, then the IU Login button. Log into your Indiana University account, then set your Pickup Library as "Northwest Library, Gary" and click the Request Delivery button on this form to complete the request.

PHYSICAL JOURNAL FOUND ON IU NORTHWEST CAMPUS: The latest issue of journals with current subscriptions will be available at the Circulation Desk. Older issues of journals in print are bound and placed on the second floor of the library in alphabetical order.

ONLINE JOURNAL FOUND ON IU NORTHWEST CAMPUS: Click on the URL link for Northwest included in the IUCAT record. In most cases, a new screen will pop up. If a new screen does pop up, click on the link that includes the year you are looking for. Please be sure to check this date range before submitting ILLiad requests.



Find books, journals and other research resources provided by the library.
For more options, use the main IUCAT search page.


Bloomington Columbus East Indianapolis
Kokomo Northwest South Bend Southeast

Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar to check if we have access to a specific article online, by searching for the full article title. This feature only works off campus for IU Northwest students, faculty and staff, and will require a login from off campus. Advanced Search available on Google Scholar's main page.