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Faye Kachur Online W131 Class Guide: Subject Terms

This guide is to assist students enrolled in Professor Kachur's W131 Online Course.

Subject Terms

Below are subject terms to use in Academic Search Premier that can may help you with this topic. Here is an example on how to use the subject term: DE "EMPLOYMENT changes" and nursing


ALTERNATIVE work arrangements

Here are entered works on employment arrangements like contracting, consulting, and temporary placement.

DISCRIMINATION in employment

Here are entered works on discrimination against persons by their employers or by workplaces in which they are seeking employment. If appropriate, a work may also be entered under the group of persons being discriminated against (e.g., "Discrimination against people with disabilities," or "Race discrimination").


Here are entered works on the shift in employment patterns.

EMPLOYMENT (Economic theory)

Here are entered general works on issues surrounding the employment of personnel, including the concept of the total number or percentage of paid workers in a population, and also works on the state of working for pay. Use only if a narrower term does not apply (e.g., "Age & employment," "Alternative work arrangements," "Contract employment," "Ethnic groups -- Employment," "Job vacancies, "Part-time employment," "Unemployment," etc.).

EQUAL pay for equal work

Here are entered works on equal pay for jobs that require identical skills, responsibilities, and effort. Works on comparable pay for jobs that require comparable skills, responsibilities, effort, and working conditions are entered under "Pay equity."

INNOVATIONS in business

Here are entered works on the creation or alteration of business structures, practices, and models. Works on technological improvements to devices or processes are entered under "Technological innovations." Works on original devices or processes are entered under "Inventions."

INNOVATION management

Here are entered works on the systems and processes employed by enterprises to organize and manage innovation and imagination. Works on business innovations are entered under "Innovations in business." Works on innovative thinking in a business environment are entered under "Creative ability in business."


Here are entered works on how change occurs or is brought about in complex organizations.


Here are entered works on the expansion of operations within an organization. Works on expansion and growth of businesses are entered under "Corporations -- Growth."


Here are entered works on fundamental technological improvements or changes in materials, production methods, processes, organization, or management which increase efficiency and production. Works on original devices or processes are entered under "Inventions."

WOMEN -- Employment

Here are entered general works on all aspects of the employment of women. General works on employees who are women are entered under "Women employees." Use only if a narrower term does not apply (e.g., "Occupational training for women," "Pregnant women -- Employment," "Self-employed women," "Wages -- Women" or "Women in the mass media industry").


WORK environment

Here are entered works on elements of the workplace that affect general working conditions physically or psychologically. Use only if a narrower term does not apply (e.g., "Anger in the workplace," "Bullying in the workplace," "Confined spaces (Work environment)," "Home offices," "Humor in the workplace," etc.).