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Deviant Behavior and Social Control: Academic Search Premier

This guide is primarily for students in the S320 "Deviant Behavior and Social Control" class taught at Indiana University Northwest.


The abstract is a brief summary of the article.  It provides information to help the researcher determine if the article is a good source to use.

Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals

Peer-reviewed journals consist of articles that were evaluated by two or more experts before they were published.  This limiter is found on the basic search page, the advanced search page and among the facets beside the result list.  This feature narrows the search results and retrieves scholarly research materials.  In addition, many IU Northwest professors require their students to use this feature.

369 Link to Full Text

   This is an institutional link.  It is not created by a vendor.

     If a full text link is not available in the record on the result list and this 360 Link to Full Text is, click it.  Next, if an "Article" link appears, click it and read the article.  If only a "Journal" link appears, click it, then click other links, e.g., issue number or page numbers to retrieve the article.  If no links appear, search the journal title in the online catalog, the IUCAT.

YouTube--Advanced Search Tutorial

Request through Interlibrary Loan

Sometimes, the article is not, immediately, available.  Therefore, the researcher should use the library's interlibrary loan service, referred to as "Illiad," to obtain a copy of the desired article. To begin this procedure, the requester must click the link, "Request through interlibrary loan" under the record on the database's result list.  First-time users must fill out the registration form at  Other users may log in and submit the request to the library's System Services department.  For more details about this service, please go to the LibGuide, "Using Illiad."

To Search the Database
