Reference Chat: see chat box on this guide
Reference Texting: 219-898-4457
Reference Phone: (219) 980-6582
Web: Ask a Librarian
In-Person: library second floor, to right of elevators
Please see our Hours page for the latest hours. These hours are updated each semester.
As of October 2019, the library renovation is complete and information on this guide no longer applies. The guide remains here as a record of past work.
This FAQ is provided to explain the renovation and address important and frequently asked questions.
This renovation will add a new HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system, new lighting and ceiling tiles, and a sprinkler system.
The library is OPEN!
All entrances are now available - a change from this past summer. However, only the second and third floor are open. First floor remains under renovation.
The following is the current timetable for remaining renovation within and outside the library. Dates can change depending on renovation progress and needs.
If you are a student, faculty or staff at IU Northwest, keep an eye on the Daily Redhawk in your E-mail for the latest updates.
The library will resume all normal operations, including full access to materials which were unavailable during renovation.
The following collections and services will remain intact during renovation, including when the library is moved to the third floor.
*Temporary changes have been made due to renovation needs.
Community patrons are library users who are Indiana residents or Ivy Tech students who need to use the library's services.
Some services are unavailable or have been reduced for the final phase of renovation. All services will return to normal once renovation is completed.
Until renovation is complete, community patrons do not need a login. Circulation or Reference will log patrons onto computers as needed. Services will return to the old process of issuing logins to patrons post-renovation.
Community patrons cannot print directly to the printer. Instead, Reference must save the document onto a Reference flash drive, or use a flash drive provided by the patron, and print from the Reference computer. Documents will print immediately.
Printing is currently free during renovation, subsidized by the campus' STC/IT service. However, the library Reference desk has loose and informal limits on the amount of pages printed per person per day. These limits will go into effect if Reference notices an excessive amount of printing for one person.
There are two methods for obtaining a book that was previously available.
If the library can obtain the book, it will take about a week to arrive. Please plan your research needs accordingly.
More information on how to use ILLiad is available on our ILLiad Guide.
Our page of local library catalogs can be used to find if a book is available at a nearby library. If a library has a book you want to use, contact that library or check their catalog to make sure it is available for use. Some libraries may only allow their residents or students to use their collections.
Unfortunately, quiet areas are currently not available due to the ongoing renovation and number of floors. However, the library has study rooms available that may provide more quiet. In addition, the new Arts & Sciences building across Broadway has study rooms available for student use.
You can contact the office providing that service, or the library's Reference department by one of the methods given on this page, for further assistance.
Contact the library's Reference department by one of the methods given on this page and we will answer your question as soon as possible. If it is a common or high priority question, this FAQ will be updated for its inclusion.