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Citations and Bibliography in Microsoft Word: Citations & Bibliography

How to create citations, a works cited page and a bibliography using Microsoft Word 2010 and/or 2013

To Add a Citation and Source to a Document

This information was taken from the following sources:  Microsoft Office--Automatically Format Bibliographies and Office--Create a Bibliography

Here is how you can insert citations into Word and format bibliographies using common formats, such as MLA, APA, and Chicago-style.

Add a new citation and source to a document

When you add a new citation to a document, you also create a new source that will appear in the bibliography.

  1. On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click the arrow next to Style.

Word Ribbon tab


  1. Click the style that you want to use for the citation and source.

For example, social sciences documents usually use the MLA or APA styles for citations and sources.

Image of supported citation styles 

  1. Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite.
  2. On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click Insert Citation.

Word Ribbon tab

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To add the source information, click Add New Source.
    • To add a placeholder, so that you can create a citation and fill in the source information later, click Add new placeholder. A question mark appears next to placeholder sources in Source Manager.
  2. Begin to fill in the source information by clicking the arrow next to Type of source.

For example, your source might be a book, a report, or a Web site.

  1. Fill in the bibliography information for the source.  To add more information about a source, click the Show All Bibliography Fields check box and fill in the other fields.  Click OK.

Image of Create Source dialog box 



  • If you choose a GOST or ISO 690 style for your sources and a citation is not unique, append an alphabetic character to the year. For example, a citation would appear as [Pasteur, 1848a].
  • If you choose ISO 690-Numerical Reference and your citations still don't appear consecutively, you must click the ISO 690 style again, and then press ENTER to correctly order the citations.

        8.  When you’ve completed these steps, the citation is added to the Insert Citation button, so the next time you quote this reference, you don’t have               to type it all out again.

Image of Insert Citation button

Word 2010 and Citations via APA 5th Edition

This information was taken from Jennifer Bost's blog. She is a tech writer for Microsoft.

APA style uses the author’s name and publication date. If you have multiple citations from the same author, there is a known Word 2010 bug where the citation generator fills in the publication title when it’s not supposed to. If this happens to you, here’s how to fix the problem:

1. In the Word document, click the citation.

Image of citation

2. Click the down-arrow and then click Edit Citation.

Image of Edit Citation button

3. Click the Title checkbox and then click OK.

Image of Edit Citation dialog box

– Jennifer Bost

Create a Bibliography in Microsoft Word

This information was taken from the following sources: Microsoft Office--Automatically Format Bibliographies  and How to Create a Bibliography or Works Cited Page in Microsoft Word 

Once you have created the citation, the citation is added to the Insert Citation button.

Image of Insert Citation button

  You can create a bibliography at any point after you insert one or more sources in a document. If you don't have all of the information that you need about a source to create a complete citation, you can use a placeholder citation, and then complete the source information later.

Note   Placeholder citations do not appear in the bibliography.

  1. Click where you want to insert a bibliography, usually at the end of the document.
  2. On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click Bibliography.

Word Ribbon tab

  1. Click a predesigned bibliography format to insert the bibliography into the document or you can just click Insert Bibliography to add the citation without a title.

Image of Insert Bibliography button 

       4.  If you add more sources to your document, you can easily update your bibliography—just click it and then select Update Citations and Bibliography.

screenshot of Microsoft Word