Digital Library Specialization at SLIS
Additional Technology Training
UITS offers a number of “STEPS” workshops on various technologies relevant to digital libraries and digital humanities. These workshops are free to students and a great way to supplement your course work and training in SLIS. UITS also offers certifications, which can look good on a résumé.Example workshops include:Getting Started
Source: John A. Walsh, Associate Professor of Information Science in the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University
Digital Humanities is a discipline that studies the use of information and communication technologies in the creation and analysis of humanities data, including literary texts, historical data, the visual arts, music, and so on. Digital Humanities can involve the creation of digital thematic research collections (e.g., the Rossetti Archive or the Blake Archive, the development of tools for the analysis and visualization of humanities data, the study of the evolution of the book in the age of the internet and new media, or the study of the impact of digital tools and resources on the nature of humanities scholarship.
Skills, Knowledge, and Expertise that are useful for Digital Library Work
Indiana University-Bloomington Resources
Lectures and Discussion Groups
Professional Associations
Online Discussion Lists/Forums
Blogs / Twitter: The following list is a random sampling of blogs and/or Twitter feeds by digital humanities scholars. A more comprehensive list is the Digital Humanities Compendium, which is used to harvest material for Digital Humanities Now
Institutes and Centers