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SPCH-S 121 : Public Speaking Resources: APA

This StyleGuide was created to assist Public Speaking students in meeting their research objectives. It includes books, electronic resources, journals, and other materials.


APA (American Psychological Association) - use for classes in the social sciences, especially Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work.

Format & Examples

Citation Format for In-Text Citations

To quote another work to use in your paper, use in-text citations. You can either summarize or quote directly. You need 3 elements:

  1. Author's/authors' last name
  2. Year of publication
  3. (For direct quotes) Page number

...(Hernandez, 2016). - summarizing

"In preparing to work with the students at risk, establishing an environment of open communication from the first day is critical," (Hernandez, 2016, p. 8). - direct quote


Common examples of citation formats for References

At the end of your paper in APA format, you must have a list of References, listing your citations in alphabetical order by its first letter. Be sure to indent the 2nd line and beyond.

Resource Format Citation Format Example
Book Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work: Capital for subtitle. Publisher. Hernandez, P. (2016). The pedagogy of real talk: Engaging, teaching, and connecting with students at risk. Corwin.
eBook Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work: Capital for subtitle. Publisher. Szymanski, S. (2015). Money and soccer: a soccernomics guide.
Journal Article Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number, pages. doi: While, G. M., & Uller, T. (2014). Quo vadis amphibia? Global warming and breeding phenology in frogs, toads and salamanders. Ecography, 37(10), 921-929. doi:10.1111/ecog.00521
Newspaper article Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. Collins, J. P. (2004). Where Have All the Frogs Gone? (Cover story). Natural History, 113(5), 44-49.
YouTube videos Author or Screen Name. (Year, Month Day). Title of video [video file]. Title of YouTube Channel. URL

Montague, J. (2018, February 9). What is kafala? Qatar 2022 [video file]. Tifo Football.


Producer, Director, or Host Name. (Year, Month Date). Title of episode. Title of Podcast. URL

NK News. (2018, April 30). Inter-Korean summit recap extravaganza. NKNews Podcast.

TIP: Consult APA manual or a librarian for other formats (such as films, online videos, podcasts, etc.)

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